Location: sHAWNEE mISSION School District
Size: 78,000 SF
cost: $23,000,000
As part of a $264 Million Dollar Bond issue, recently approved by the patrons of the Shawnee Mission School District to improve the learning environments for their students, John Diemer was slated to be replaced with a cutting edge learning facility that fosters the notion that learning happens everywhere, not just a traditional classroom. The design was born from a series of five visioning meetings with parents and staff, working closely with iDS to cultivate key concepts like visual openness, safety, flexibility, collaboration, and grade level cohorts where students can help define their individual pathway towards learning.
Classrooms are connected by Co-Lab spaces that act as mini maker spaces that include individual toilets and student cubbies.They also act as an acoustical buffer between the rooms as well as a shelter-in-place location. This small addition allows for high flexibility in the classrooms, giving students access to the large community collaboration spaces in the front. These spaces are accessible while still separate through large glass garage doors and the adjacent classroom through sliding barn doors. There is a place for all students to find their ideal location for exploration and development.
The classrooms include fifteen core learning spaces with an ideal capacity of 450 students and a max capacity of 550 students. Two special education classrooms to be supported with accessory storage, toilet, and sensory rooms; and five learning spaces to house Art, Band, Vocal, Maker Lab, Gym, and Media Center.
John Diemer Elementary reached substantial completion in December of 2022.