Location: MORGAN COUNTY R-II School District
Size: ADDITION: 22,325 SF; RENOVATION: 14,411 SF
cost: $5,200,000
The Morgan County R-II School District approved the design and construction of a new, 600-seat Performing Arts Center. This approval came on the heels of the iDS team assisting the district in securing a sizable FEMA safe room grant. The grant made the possibility of a first class performing arts center a reality. In addition to the grant, incite Design Studio assisted the school district with mailers and graphics to promote and pass the 15-cent levy increase for project funding.
The Performing Arts Center facility features angled walls along with acoustical ceiling and wall tiles, a catwalk, A/V control room, greenroom, stage craft area, two dressing rooms, and a storage mezzanine. Serving PAC is a prefunction space that will connect to the existing school commons. The prefunction area allows for ample room for theater goers to mingle prior to and after events.
The PAC serves as the FEMA safe room during inclement weather. The 12-inch insulated precast panel structure can withstand winds up to 250 miles per hour and has a thin-brick inlay to match the exterior of the existing school facility. Construction concluded in late 2016.