Location: Odessa R-vii School District

iDS was hired in 2020 to complete a long range facility plan for the Odessa School District. The goal was to assess enrollment/growth trends, forecast utilization rates of district facilities, address initial concerns and work on an improvement plan for district facilities. Through several meetings with district personnel, iDS helped determine immediate and future improvement needs and work with the district on the development of a schedule to complete the necessary projects. The big picture planning items include:

  • Eliminating the use of trailers at the High School

  • Replacement plan for McQuerry Elementary School

  • Improve bus flow at the main campus (Odessa Middle School and McQuerry Elementary School)

  • Improve existing parking lots at the main campus

  • Provide secure entries at all buildings

  • Repair tennis courts

  • Provide control system throughout district

  • Assess condition of roofing at all buildings

Future project planning includes:

  • McQuerry Elementary

    Phase Two – Partial Replacement and Building Renovations

  • Odessa Upper Elementary

    Monitor/plan for enrollment growth

    Misc. roof restoration

  • Odessa Middle School

    Monitor/plan for enrollment growth

  • Odessa High School

    Monitor/plan for enrollment growth

    Misc. roof restoration

  • District-wide

    Misc. mechanical, electrical, plumbing upgrades