Location: Raymore-Peculiar R-II School District
Size: Addition 123,000 sf; Renovation: 80,000 sf
cost: $27,000,000
In November 2015, incite Design Studio was retained by the Ray-Pec School District to lead the programming and design for the April 2016 Bond Issue Projects. District enrollment has continued to steadily increase to the point of discussions of building a second high school. iDS led several community engagement sessions to discuss what the right approach was for the district. An overwhelming number wanted to add on to and renovate the existing high school. Nearly the entire building went through renovations.
The scope of work includes a 90,000 sf addition and 60,000 sf renovation of the high school to increase the instructional capacity from 1,200 students to 2,200 students by the 2017-2018 school year. Additional design work included renovations to two intermediate schools to modify the existing Grades 5-6 classrooms to Grades K-5, and convert an elementary school into an early childhood center.
The high school addition features a new media center with ample natural light, meeting areas, coffee bar, and reference materials. The two-story classroom addition includes a freshman center learning area with makers labs, core classrooms, freshman administrative areas, and a separate entrance to the school. Additional parking, outdoor seating and learning areas, and upgrades to various learning areas complete the school transformation into a 21st-century learning facility.
Grade reconfigurations to the district required modifications to existing intermediate schools into K-5 elementary schools. The grade reconfiguration alleviates overcrowding at the intermediate and middle schools.
The high school additions and renovations concluded in time for the 2017-2018 school year.
incite Design Studio worked with the Ray-Pec for thirteen years, starting our relationship with a cold-call to the district in 2007 that led to a parking lot improvement project. We then became on-call architects, completing various projects throughout the entire district. Our relationship eventually culminated in a $23M bond issue in 2016 and came full circle with another parking lot improvement project in 2017, proving that no school district project is too big or small for our studio firm.